OpenBSD does have fluxbox in ports but it is usually slightly outdated. At the moment of writing only version was available. OpenBSD maintainers have their perfectly clear reasons for it, so, if you wish to install latest fluxbox, you shouldn't be afraid getting your hands a little dirty.

Please, note that this howto was written on OpenBSD 4.6 i386/amd64 architecture. On other architectures things can be wildly different.

Git specifics

If you want to use git version, you'll have to do some additional steps. Otherwise, install does not differ from stable version.

First of all you have to get necessary packages:

# pkg_add automake
# pkg_add autoconf
# pkg_add git

Fetch out code from git repository following Git - using instructions.

Then you'll have to define some environment variables:

$ export AUTOCONF_VERSION=2.61

Note that versions may change, so consult pkg_info autoconf and pkg_info automake to define your version.

As a rule of thumb, just check, do autoconf-$AUTOCONF_VERSION and automake-$AUTOMAKE_VERSION exist in your $PATH.

Now you are ready to run

$ ./autogen

Git-specific part ends here.

Building and installing

If you don't want git, just download stable tarball and untar it as usual.

Now you're ready to run configure.

$ ./configure --program-prefix="" --program-suffix="" --prefix=/usr/local

We set program_prefix and program_suffix to empty because for some yet unknown reason default values ("NONE") contaminate the results, so you'll get fluxbox settings placed in your ~/.NONEfluxboxNONE directory. HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, it does not work. Investigating...

Prefix should be set to /usr/local partly to respect OpenBSD conventions, partly to overwrite fluxbox installed from ports (if any).

Now edit the resulting Makefile, find SUBDIRS string and set it to:

SUBDIRS = src util data

NLS does not install properly at the time of the writing, docs are not built properly, so we have to get rid of them. Sad but true.

Now run

$ make

fluxbox-1.1.1 should compile without any problems.

fluxbox-git (on 28.10.2009) stuck in src/FbTk/ with error: `::extractLongNumber' undeclared (first use here)

Just edit that string and delete "::", making it:

if (extractLongNumber(in.c_str(), result) && out >= 0) {

and rerun make.

Ok, then su to root and:

# make install

Fluxbox is succesfully installed.

Starting fluxbox

If you run X using startx command, add startfluxbox to your .xinitrc file using:

$ echo "exec /usr/local/bin/startfluxbox" > ~/.xinitrc
$ chmod u+x ~/.xinitrc

Note, it will overwrite any contents if ~/.xinitrc file existed and create it if it didn't.

Or just:

$ startx startfluxbox

If you use xdm to run X, it's even easier:

$ echo "exec /usr/local/bin/startfluxbox" > .xsession

Setting background

As on 4.6 OpenBSD version, there is no wallpaper setters shipped with it by default. Do:

# pkg_add feh


# pkg_add chbg

Also some versions of fbsetbg do not work correctly in OpenBSD. If you have something like:

bash-4.0$ fbsetbg -f ~/.fluxbox/backgrounds/some_background.png 
ldd: Esetroot:: No such file or directory
ldd: Command: No such file or directory
ldd: not: No such file or directory
ldd: found.: No such file or directory
/usr/local/bin/fbsetbg[537]: wmsetbg: not found
/usr/local/bin/fbsetbg[542]: gxmessage: not found

please, edit `which fbsetbg` with your favourite editor, find find_it() function and replace

[ -n "$1" ] && hash $1 2> /dev/null

line with

which $1 2>&1 > /dev/null

Category:English howtos